
Which of these profiles fits you when it comes to social media?

The Committed
Those using social media but ready to see a return on their time.
The Curious
“I’ve heard about Facebook , Twitter and Pinterest but I’m not sure about it.”
The Skeptical
“Twitter is interesting—but it seems like a total waste of time!”
The Uninformed
“Facebook… Twitter… LinkedIn… what are you talking about?”

Fix your profile today. We are very sure that this new conference will help you start to either sort out or improve your social media stategies…

The Thames Valley ‘Return on Influence’ Conference, Tuesday 12th June 2012

This NEW Thames Valley ROI Conference will showcase the most popular as well as the newest and most innovative of the new social media opportunities including Pinterest etc.

Practical advice, trends, tools and information about the UK social media sector will be high up on the agenda.
Delegates will have the opportunity to interact / network with their industry peers and share ideas, tips and techniques. At the end of the day (12 June 2012) delegates will come away with a much better understanding of this complex social media sector – that’s a promise.
Early Bird Discount Rate (only £195 + VAT). Deadline 7 May 2012.


Register today and you will be given a copy of Mark Schaefer’s new best -seller ‘Return on Influence’ – It’s worth £18
Introducing the Thames Valley ‘Return on Influence’ Conference, Workshop and Networking event



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