
Does Ryanair pay probationary cabin crew under £10 per flight?

Ryanair air hostess blows whistle on how contract staff are forced to take three months’ unpaid leave and buy their own uniforms
  • Sophie Growcoot, 20, from Liverpool, worked for the airline after she was employed by Crewlink, a contractor for Ryanair.
  • Ms Growcoot was only paid for ‘in the air’ hours, not for pre-flight briefings, sales meetings, turn around times and time spent on the ground during delays.
  • She said she was told she had to take three months of compulsory unpaid leave each year and was forbidden from taking another job during that time, and had to pay £1,800 for compulsory training.

Ryanair cabin crew are only paid for hours spent ‘in the air’, have to pay £1,800 for compulsory training and are forced to take three months’ unpaid leave, claims former air hostess

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