Add some social profit to your CSR accounts with this very useful LinkedIn training workshop for your sales and marketing teams
How to use LinkedIn for Business workshop
Date: 31st October 2011
Timings: 9:00 for 9:30am start, finishes around 4pm
Location: Thames Hospicecare, Hatch Lane, Windsor. SL4 3RW
Cost: £175 + VAT
At Social Media Directors we enable charities to offer our LinkedIn training to larger organisations as a way to add to their corporate social responsibility (CSR) social accounting ledger.
A few years ago popular local charities like Thames Hospicecare could approach larger local businesses and they would soon find ways to give generously.
In today’s climate, the ability to give more to local charities is fraught with administrative process as every pound spent needs justification.
Social Media Directors “How to use LinkedIn for Business” workshop offers an excellent opportunity for businesses to add social value to their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ledger while at the same time, providing invaluable training to their sales and marketing teams.
Come and find out why over 120m business people worldwide, 7m in the UK and over 140,000 within a 10 mile radius of Windsor consider LinkedIn to be the pre-eminent business networking platform online. A place where professionals have the ability to connect, develop their sales and market themselves, their skills, services and products.
We’ll touch on:
• Why LinkedIn is an increasingly key business tool
• How to get the most out of LinkedIn
• Key considerations when creating a Profile which works
• Developing your network and integrating your current one
• How to best connect with people (and how not to)
• Tools on LinkedIn to push you and your business
• Targeting prospects using the Advanced Search and other tools
• LinkedIn applications making your life easier
• A recommended weekly LinkedIn workout
• … and more…Agenda
09:00 Registration
09:30 Why is it worth your while learning more about LinkedIn?
09:45 Who else is in the room today, say hello
10:00 LinkedIn: Getting the Foundations in place
(Creating a powerful Personal Profile & Company Pages)
11:30 Questions
12:00 Social Media Directors Networking Lunch
13:00 Developing Connections, Prospects and Visibility on LinkedIn
(Using the tools develop your network, marketing and sales)
[includes short coffee break]
15:30 Questions
16:00 CloseView more details, including testimonials, one from Raleigh Addington, Operations Director of Tickets for Troops at
Booking your seat
You can pay via PayPal above or request an invoice for £175 + VAT by emailing (but do read below first)
Thank You.
Jon Davey
Social Media Director
01753 852904P.S. Please call Katie and book via her as the hospice will make more money that way and the work they do is incredible.
Katie Beck
Corporate Events Fundraiser THc
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