
Education Programme Details Announced for Screenmedia expo 2012



Call for Papers now open, diary dates: 16-17 May 2012, Earls Court 2, London


London, UK, 5 October 2011 – In such a fast-moving industry, where else would end users and marketers come together under one roof to understand what a connected offering is, how to use it and how to generate value from it? Without question, Screenmedia expo is the show for all screenmedia technologies and applications. On 16-17 May 2012 it returns for its seventh consecutive year and will be held once again at Earls Court 2, London. The education programme, directed by the Imperative Group, has been announced and the Call for Speakers is now open.


Never before has Screenmedia been able to offer such a diverse range of creative possibilities, presenting brands and advertisers with innovative ways to reach and engage people out-of-home (OOH) or in-store. At Screenmedia expo 2012, four thought provoking and forward-thinking education programme channels will focus on “engaging connected audiences”. 


Topics will encompass mobile, social and interactive media, emerging methods and platforms, content creation and creativity, understanding the value of data and making networks smart. Each channel will introduce a host of industry players, commentators and authorities in the screen media sector, all enthusiastic to share their knowledge, stories and experiences with delegates.


The four education programme channels are as follows:


Channel 1: Connected Screenmedia

Not only is this channel interested in the ‘value exchange’ between the screen and viewers/users but also in how screenmedia can work collaboratively with the multiple devices, platforms and apps that consumers are using as part of their daily lives.  Prospective speakers should consider the question: what is the marketing play and what media and technology should today’s networks be utilising, plugging into and working collaboratively with to provide added value to digitally savvy audiences?


Channel 2: Connected Content

This channel will consider exactly what gets viewers, users, brands and advertisers engaged and excited. This includes what experiences screenmedia can offer customers that are truly exciting and how this can be enhanced and extended by connecting with other technologies and platforms. This channel is about showcasing, exploring and explaining how to create exciting, innovative screenmedia experiences that push the creative and technical boundaries.


Channel 3: Interactive Connection

Screenmedia networks can take many different forms and, owing to technology advancements, much of it can be touched. This physical interactivity is not necessarily limited to the hardware but may come via another channel, such as a mobile handset, a projection or the breaking of a beam.  This channel is about understanding the role interaction plays in creating an enhanced user experience and how this interaction generates insight that can be used for marketing and commercial benefit. 



Channel 4: Smart Connections

A smart screen is one that uses information to optimise its message, create an engaging visual offering and deliver value to audiences. A smart screen knows what to say and when, because it’s powered by data. This channel will look at what data screenmedia networks could and should be using to deliver real-time communication to audiences and generate response. It will examine how applying rules to data use allows screenmedia networks to react quickly and efficiently to mission critical changes.


Download the Screenmedia expo 2012 education programme details document at: To submit a speaker proposal or to ask any questions relating to the education programme channels, please contact For further information about Screenmedia expo 2012 in general, including stand booking, sponsorship, cooperation possibilities and special offers, please contact


Presentations from the two industry leading conferences at Screenmedia expo 2011 are available for download via Testimonials, videos and 2012 registration information can also be accessed via this site. To keep up to date with the latest 2012 expo news and developments follow LinkedIn: #ScreenMediaExpo and Twitter: 


About Screenmedia expo


Organised by Screen Events Ltd, Screenmedia expo showcases the very best in innovative digital place based media used for delivering visual messages that combine the influence of mass advertising with the accuracy of niche marketing. 

Launched in 2006, the expo is attracting growing interest and international popularity every year, pulling in an audience of supplier and user communities from every major vertical in the digital signage and DOOH sector.  Screenmedia expo 2011 delivered 3191 visitors – 30% from outside UK. The 2012 expo will take place at London’s Earls Court 2, 16-17 May. Visit

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