
Shaken & Stirred - Influential Brand Profiling and Positioning

New : Tweet your way around a4uexpo

Tweet your way around a4uexpo with Performance Horizon.

a4uexpo London is designed to be informative, cutting edge and fun but also as interactive as possible.  We encourage you to use twitter to start, and take part in conversations about all the a4uexpo action and to ask our expert speakers any burning questions during our conference sessions.

This year, courtesy of Performance Horizon Group we are introducing session specific twitter hash tags to offer even more insight into what people are engaging with at a4uexpo London. You will be able to find the relevant  hash tag next to each individual session on the agenda pages of the conferenc brochure, on the agenda pop ups located outside the main conference rooms,  and highlighted by each speaker in the session itself.

Performance Horizon Group,sponsors of this years a4uexpo London Twitter Wall, are tracking the use of all of these hash tags and the results will be demonstrated on screens around the venue. You will be able to see which of the current sessions has the most buzz around it, as well as a league table of the most talked about sessions over the entire Expo. So if you are tweeting about a specific session, please remember to use the right hash tag so that we can get a good picture of what you’re talking about. #getinvolved!

As an example, the first sessions on Day 1 will use the hastags as follows:

#A4US1 – ‘The Science of Influence & Engagement’ – Sandringham Suite

#A4UB1 – ‘The Future of Product Level Marketing’ – Balmoral Suite

#A4UT1 – ‘Essential Paid Search Tools: From Excel to Automation’ – Live Theatre

We will also be using a general #a4uexpo hashtag for any comments or chat about the expo as a whole.

For more information about the a4uexpo London twitter wall or simply to find out more about Performance Horizon Group, and what they can do for you, make sure you pay the team a visit on Stand 3 in the exhibition hall.

Make sure you’re part of the conversation this year.  Register for your a4uexpo pass today!


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