
Seven potential ways that a brand can seize upon Euro 2012 as a promotional opportunity

It is the quiet before the storm.

This is a summer of great events that are going to take over the media and public interest very soon: the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, the Euro 2012 football tournament with both England and the Republic of Ireland featuring – and the Olympics, which we can’t forget even if we try.

By Philip Penlington, Director of Fotorama

Despite coming last in this sequence chronologically, the London Olympics is not surprisingly generating greater awareness and interest than the others – so far.

That is reflected in marketing activity, notably in promotions.  Even though strict LOCOG regulation has meant that it is virtually only the official sponsors who can capitalise on the Olympics, a recent supermarket check showed that promotions to win Olympic tickets are dominating on-pack offers on the shelves – there are very few others at all.

A review of press and TV advertising of promotions backs this up, and a recent article in Metro newspaper about sport fans, desperate to win Olympic tickets, buying products to enter every relevant promotion they can is a superb endorsement for on pack offers.

But many millions of people do not want to win Olympic tickets. They would like to win money or something else. So why not give them the chance?

What was not predictable was how few Euro 2012 promotions have yet appeared.

Promotions around Euro 2008 and especially the 2010 World Cup were a resounding success for many brands, a fact reflected by Currys PC World currently repeating their 2010 offer of ‘Win £10 for each goal England score.’

During May, media and public attention on Euro 2012 will erupt and take over throughout late May and all of June as the headline maker and subject of bar and office chat. It’s a great opportunity and it is not too late to set up and run offers to make the most of this interest.

With Sir Geoff Hurst predicting England to be semi finalists and the appointment of Roy Hodgson as England manager set to revive not only the team but also England’s chances, here are seven potential ways that a brand can seize upon Euro 2012 as a promotional opportunity:

1)    Win all your money back if England win the competition – run a promotion based on England actually winning the tournament linked to purchasing a particular product. The odds may be stacked against the England squad but optimism is never far away so many consumers would be attracted to respond.

2) Or get to the Quarter finals/semi finals – Even more attractive to the consumer and the costs to the promoter could still make it very profitable. 

3) Predict the finalists – A rematch of the World Cup in 2010? Or could this be the year that England again face Germany? An Instant Win or cash back promotion would be an ideally suitable promotional mechanic on this occasion. 

4) Predict the time of the first goal in a particular game – pinpoint the exact time when the first goal will accurately hit the back of the net and instantly win a major prize.   

5) Predict the top goal scorer – who will walk away with one of the most coveted crowns throughout the championships? Will Ronaldo reign supreme or will Van Persie, Gomez or Rooney be likely to walk away with the title?

6) The total goals scored in the tournament or final – instantly win a cash prize by accurately predicting how many goals will be scored.

7)    Any combination of these – promotions can combine of any of these ideas or they can be individually targeted to match a brand’s exact requirements depending on whether they want to offer a series of prizes or one larger prize or whether they are offering a cash back deal or money off a next purchase…..the ideas are extensive.

There are many creative and affordable approaches and I believe that Euro 2012 will very soon capture the attention of millions.

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