
If you don’t like being taught but do want to learn, here are the first two bite-sized days

Robert Ashton, bestselling business author and business consultant, will be leading a one-day “Developing Your Social Enterprise” day on August 9th at Lumen, Tavistock Place.

“I’ve always had a hang up about training. I don’t like delivering courses. But I do enjoy working with groups; helping people think differently and overcome whatever’s between them and realising an ambition. What’s more when I work with a group on the understanding that we’re going to discuss and explore, rather then me lecture and they write notes, it works a treat.

So if you don’t like being taught but do want to learn, here are the first two bite-sized days. The venue for both is Lumen on Tavistock Place, a short stroll from Kings Cross. It’s a lovely airy place with a courtyard garden and fantastic food. Oh and it’s a social enterprise too! You can download more information below.
Developing Your Social Enterprise August 9th
How to write a ‘How to’ book August 13th”

Developing Your Social Enterprise August 9th

Places are limited to 8 so bookings will be taken on a first come first served basis.

Registration begins on the day at 10.30am and the training will be finished by 4pm. The event will help those starting or running social enterprises to become more focused and better at generating earned income for their organisation.Places on the day are £200 + VAT per person and bookings should be made via

Find out more about Robert Ashton here –

Robert Ashton has been published by Pearson, Capstone and Hamlyn. He’s currently writing books for Hodder and the Directory of Social Change. He has written 15 books in 10 years. These have been published in 18 languages that sell in 80 countries worldwide. He also writes for The Guardian online, Civil Society, Huffington Post, and New Start/CLES.

His books include, “How to Start Your Own Business” (now in its 2nd edition), “How to be a Social Entrepreneur”, “The Life Plan”, and “Brilliant Checklists for Entrepreneurs” (3rd edition).


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