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The Global Daily Deal Association (GDDA), the trade organisation for the daily deal sector, has confirmed details of the first Global Daily Deal Expo.

The industry conference and trade show will be held on 29, 30 and 31 October at Park Plaza Westminster Bridge in London. The first day will be dedicated to GDDA members who will have the opportunity to discuss the development of the trade association and the recently launched Code of Conduct. To book a place or find out about exhibiting at the Expo, go to
The event promises a line-up of top keynote speakers, industry-specific workshops and B2B networking opportunities over the three days.

Already confirmed to speak at the event are Mikal Belicove of, Fabian Heilemann from Google-owned, Gerard Doyle of Mathias Jacobs of, Peter Casey from NimbleCommerce, Gene Murphy from Redeem&Get and Jason Keiles of Group Commerce.

Following on from the success of the DD Summit Europe, which brought together key players from across Europe earlier this year, the Global Daily Deal Expo will provide a platform to share best practice and discuss the challenges facing the burgeoning industry. 

The Expo will include a comprehensive conference programme with keynote speakers from the biggest brands in the daily deal industry, workshops with industry experts, a trade show arena to showcase new developments and technology updates and a number of formal and informal networking opportunities. 

The Global Daily Deal Association was founded following an overwhelming call for action from delegates at the DD Summit Europe, who felt a trade association for the industry was long overdue. 

The association is the only one of its kind and aims to provide one voice for the fast-paced daily deal industry. The GDDA has already launched a voluntary Code of Conduct to help improve accountability and sustainability within the industry. 

“I’m delighted to announce details of the first Global Daily Deal Expo in London. The DD Summit was an unprecedented success and feedback confirmed that there is huge demand from the industry for this type of event,” says Stavros Prodromou, CEO of the GDDA.

“The Expo will build on the success of the DD Summit Europe, taking it to the next level; this will be the biggest event the daily deal industry has seen and the perfect opportunity for anyone involved in the sector to network, hear about new developments and find out what their competitors are up to,” continues Stavros. 

To book a place or find out about exhibiting at the Expo, go to

Helen Batte / Hannah Stalder / Jasmin Othman
Rooster PR
Phone: 020 3440 8926

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