
Shaken & Stirred - Influential Brand Profiling and Positioning

MEMS Introduces 2 New Ethnic Channels

MEMS (Multicultural & Ethnic Media Sales), moves closer to taking its place as the 5th largest sales-house in the UK (based on revenue and share of impacts), following the inclusion of two new channels as part of its ethnic package, available from mid October 2012.


Now the largest ethnic sales-house in Europe, and responsible for the introduction and rationalisation of specific ethnic viewing packages, MEMS will be offering 9XM, a youth-oriented music channel, broadcasting the hottest Bollywood music, in a format designed to appeal to second and third generation Asian TV viewers in the UK.

The 2nd new channel, Rishtey, comes from the stable of Colors Television (the 3rd largest channel in India, reaching more than 900 million viewers within just one year of broadcasting) and Viacom.  It will broadcast the best of Color, combined with a number of new-to-the-UK shows.

The introduction of 9XM and Rishtey increase MEMS’ ethnic package options to 9 BARB and 21 non-BARB channels, as well as a number of ethnic magazine titles and websites.

1 in 7 UK residents are of ethnic descent, delivering a strong viewer base to ethnic-focussed channels, making them an important consideration for advertisers and agencies now and in the future.

9XM is on EPG 851, Rishtey is on EPG 831.


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