Shopitize is poised to set the cat amongst the pigeons in the retail industry with the launch of an exclusive couponing offer which, for the first time in UK shopping, will let FMCGs switch to mobile couponing instead of paper-based couponing with no financial risk and try it out.
At a stroke, FMCGs have the opportunity to improve their knowledge of how people shop and take full advantage of mobile couponing deals. They’ll be able to scrap paper-based couponing, engage directly with shoppers’ who are known to buy their brands, reward them for their continued loyalty, and cut wastage out of on-pack, in-store promotions.
The new service is a limited time offer to FMCGs in the UK to turn their existing paper and online printed coupons into mobile coupons for free. These coupons can be complemented by additional unique offers.
During this limited time offer, Shopitize covers all marketing and tech costs, so all FMCGs need do is set the maximum number of redemptions and cover that cost. Any offers that are not redeemed will not cost brands a penny. In return, FMCGs get an exclusive opportunity to test mobile coupons for free over a 6-8 week period with a representative group of 1,000+ UK smartphone users. Shopitize will supply participating brands with a campaign insights report free of charge at the end of the campaign.
“Shopitize’s mobile couponing service addresses the urgent need for non-POS, cost-efficient, non-paper coupon delivery and clearance,” says
Irina Pafomova, Shopitize’s co-founder.
“No other channel enables FMCGs to test market new products so quickly, measure the effectiveness of a campaign in such a short timeframe, or incentivise repeat purchases.”