
Shaken & Stirred - Influential Brand Profiling and Positioning

Major PeerIndex upgrade / You could knock £25.80 off a Barbour wax leather holdall, taking it down to a mere £103

You could knock £25.80 off a Barbour wax leather holdall, taking it down to a mere £103

PeerIndex write … we have been investigating influence since 2010. Today we offer you a new take on what influence can mean for you.

You now have access to hundreds of exclusive rewards and discounts based on your PeerIndex.

These build on our hugely popular PeerPerks programme – but from today will offer a curated set of 300-500 products and services carrying exclusive influencer-only rates.

Why should I care?

We’ve all recommended a product or a service to a friend. We’ve all taken friends recommendations. We all have a go-to person in our circle – the one whose opinion we trust on technology, movies or eating out. That trust reflects influence. Maybe ‘influence’ isn’t the word we’d use when we think of our mate whose trainer choices we watch like a hawk – but that’s what it is.

Until social media, tracking that influence was difficult. Sure, we could do it in specific domains such as academia. But there was no way to predict patterns of influence in large populations until we all went online.

Of course, businesses have always understood the value of influence. That’s why celebrities get freebies, journalists get previews and industry leaders get invited to champagne receptions. If you treat someone well they might take a more positive view of you. Ideally they will share that view with their friends.

PeerIndex wants to understand large scale influence and make that influence meaningful to you. Your PeerIndex profile allows you to explore you influence in topics and categories.

97% of you wanted more, and we delivered


In 2011 we launched PeerPerks and extended to you the special treatment brands once reserved for celebrities. Thousands of PeerIndex influencers have been rewarded by companies like Ford, Guinness, Samsung, Reebok and others. Our users love PeerPerks – 96% love receiving them and 97% say they want more.

You asked for it, we delivered. We have now teamed up with a range of cutting edge retailers and brands to offer you exclusive access to discounts and rewards across hundreds of products. These discounts which are tied to your PeerIndex and include:

How do I get my rewards?

When you login to PeerIndex today, you’ll be greeted by these rewards first of all. We will show you the ones that your influence gives you access to.

You can still access your profile by clicking on your avatar. It shows you your pattern of influence and your benchmark topics, as before. We are continuing our investment in the science of influence to keep providing you with amazing rewards and razor-sharp analysis of your social capital.

We hope you enjoy it, and look forward to your thoughts!



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