
Shaken & Stirred - Influential Brand Profiling and Positioning

Changing meaning of signs

We interact with people and our surroundings in different ways. It may be either through visual mediums that comprises of signs, symbols or through verbal medium.

A sign or a symbol may signify something that does not need to be described verbally, just as a skull and bones is a warning sign of danger or a potential hazard. These signs not only made communication easy but it conveyed more meaning through its pictorial or display images.  It is even believed that   signs and symbols were the earliest form of human communications, when the cave dwellers drew pictures of some animals and their surroundings.

It is no wonder with the development of civilization people of different civilizations developed their own signs and symbols which the interpreted with different meanings. The signs are a language in themselves. Symbols touch our lives on many levels.

Today as you just look around you will not be surprised to find that how much importance signs have in our life or more surprisingly how we so easily tend to understand the meaning of those signs and symbols.  It is unimaginable to think of our life will be without signs. Just for an example you are driving your car and there was nothing as such as traffic signs, we better know the consequences. On a simple level we see that sign at the side of the road with the “S” curve and we put our foot on the break.

Signs are form of visual communication

For years signs and symbols has also been used by people to represent certain ideas, religion or even institutions. Today we live in a complex world of signs. Each and every sign conveys a very different meaning. Signs are form of visual communication.  In the olden days it was sometimes vague or even sometimes ambiguous much because of their representation. Today however the signs convey a different meaning and have some different objectives.

Modern signs are designed to be attractive and be catchy apart from conveying the meanings. They are designed by some specialized agencies or firms.  It is a fast growing trend now.

These agencies are offering a very comprehensive sign and display service that would cater to every body’s requirements. Their services include design, sign writing, sign installation and free advice for signage types, car signs, footpath signs, and banners. Sign designing has been widely influenced by the development of technology and the graphics. Today you can have your own sign designed or design it by yourself according to your own requirement.The have become means to attract and draw people’s attention much practiced by commercial organizations. The more effective and catch a sign is it will attract more people.

Effective sign designing however, remains to be the expertise of some specialists as a poorly designed symbol can be ambiguous. It is really strange that how signs have greatly influenced human lives from the early days cave paintings to today’s modern day signs that are custom designed by designers. The value of signs seems to grow more in human life.

photo credit: wiccked via photopin cc

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