· www.themarketingblog.co.uk
- Dynamic ‘ahead of the pack’ social media exposure for your articles etc across 3,700 targeted Twitter followers , 1700 LinkedIn followers, Pinterest, Facebook, Google+ Rebel Mouse, Scoop It – etc.
- · A weekly ‘solid thrust’ newsletter – 25,000+ UK marketing decision makers and influencers – It’s by far the best reach available
- · Content creation : We take away all the hassle of creating regular worthwhile copy – a ‘happy’ bonus for you
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Here are some important reasons why you should lift the phone and have a chinwag with us now 01784 434 412 UK.
Call today for all the details.
- · Dynamic ‘ahead of the pack’ social media exposure for your articles etc across 3,700 targeted Twitter followers , 1700 LinkedIn followers, Pinterest, Facebook, Google+ etc.
- · A weekly ‘solid thrust’ – 25,000+ UK marketing decision makers and influencers – It’s by far the best reach available http://goo.gl/cmhkD
- · Content creation : We take away all the hassle of creating regular worthwhile copy – a ‘happy’ bonus for you
- · A full tracking report in the form of an Excel spread sheet each time your headline or URL appears in the newsletter
- · Personal service like you have never experienced before
- · A full microsite of all your articles, stories etc for your promotional use – worth the outlay on its own
- · You get your message loaded into 50+ LinkedIn Group sites.
As part of the exclusive package we load your articles etc into these sites also …..
http://contentcuration.tumblr.com/ http://marketinguk.posterous.com/
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What’s the investment?
- One article specially created for you .. only £85
- Three articles for only £195. That’s less than £65 per time.
- Best of all you can have 12 articles etc. for only £630 That’s only £52 each time
Please get in touch if you need more detail about theMarketingblog,
- They say word of mouth is the best recommendation you can get – and we agree! Check out these glowing references from just a few of our happy, satisfied users!
Will Corry 01784 434 412 will@themarketingblog.co.uk
Call today – your time will be very well spent.