TheMarketingblog / Tesco and the Hudl Tablet / ad:tech London / Research on online customers / Jamie O. and his social media blunder / Internet Retailing Conference / Thursday 22nd August 2013
The 8th Internet Retailing Conference will be held on October 16 in London, when keynote speakers will include Sir Stuart Rose, chairman of Ocado and Dressipi, and Laura Wade-Geary, executive director, multichannel ecommerce, Marks & Spencer. For more details, visit
Tesco to offer 18cm tablet computer device to compete with Kindle Fire and Nexus / Hudl
Tesco is preparing to announce an own brand tablet computer under the brand name Hudl in time for Christmas, to compete with Apple, Google and Amazon for devices used for online shopping and video viewing.

Women for Women : “Struggling with a kind of separation anxiety” / Amanda Magee
Once in a while we spot a certain type of article. One that gets to the heart of what it is all about – our children. “When Everyone Else Is Divorcing” is one of those articles – you should try to find some time to read it, reread it and put into practice Amanda’s very fine advice.

Video : Now that’s an ad – Kelly Brook’s sexy Lynx Apollo campaign
Watch the video Lynx have employed out of this world stunner Kelly Brook to promote their Lynx Apollo campaign. The new ad, sees her lounging around in a space station, spraying Lynx, chilling in a bikini with ice cubes and then stripping off before slipping into a skin tight space suit.

An ad:tech London pass provides access to 7,000 attendees, complimentary heavyweight headline keynote sessions, 40 free seminars, networking parties
Whether you want the inside-track on the marketing and media strategies of key industry players, to network with key industry decision makers or discover the products that will give your business the edge over competitors in 2014, a FREE ad:tech London pass provides access to 7,000 attendees, complimentary heavyweight headline

Research : Online customers want the ability to buy online and then make returns at the store.
Fact: Online retail spending in the US reached $186 billion in 2012. Fact: By 2015, International eCommerce spending is projected to hit $1.4 trillion. Question: What do these statistics mean for the future of online shopping, especially regarding what customers want and how retailers are going to fulfill them?

Research from g2 Field Marketing / 74% of consumers would not be influenced to explore new beauty and cosmetic products by above-the-line ads
Three quarters of consumers say TV and magazine ads wouldn’t drive them to try new beauty products Research from g2 Field Marketing, has found that three quarters (74 per cent) of consumers would not be influenced to explore new beauty and cosmetic products by above-the-line ads.

Events : AdMonsters Screens / TheMarketingblog 15 % deep discount code is MARKETINGBLOG13
Tags: AdMonsters, Print article AdMonsters Screens, digital marketers, goggles, media leaders, mobile, mobile/tablet experts, operations, revenue leaders., smart-screen media strategists, tablet, technology

Q: Who is the hot girl in the Carl’s Junior ‘Smoked Sausage Egg & Cheese Biscuit’ commercial?
Q: Who is the hot girl in the Carl’s Junior ‘Smoked Sausage Egg & Cheese Biscuit’ commercial? A: Alex Rose Wiesel Alex is an actress/model, originally from San Diego, CA. She has been on many TV shows, including Jimmy Kimmel Live. Here is Alex’s IMDb page and Model Mayhem profile.

Laughter Spot .. The one about a dragon
Dragons – A father has three daughters that are all getting married on the same day. He asks his oldest daughter, “Who do you wish to marry? She says, “Father, I wish to marry the man with three dragons on his chest.” He walks over to his second daughter and asks her the same question.
Five biggest social media blunders of 2013 (including a Jamie special) – Telegraph
Facebook founder and chief executive Mark Zuckerberg got egg on his face over the weekend, when a security researcher hacked his profile and posted a message highlighting a security glitch. The researcher said he was forced to hack the page after the social network ignored his warnings that the vulnerability allowed anyone to post on a stranger’s wall.

Price glitch / Tesco shoppers bulk-buy ice-creams at 6p each
Shoppers are bulk-buying ice-creams at a saving of 88 per cent thanks to a discounting glitch at Tesco, it emerged today. As another spell of warm, sunny weather bathes most of the UK, Magnums are flying off the shelves of Tesco Express for as little as 10p, and other ice creams for 6p.

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