
5 reasons to use social media to drive traffic / Simon Campbell, Qwaya

Why You Should Use Social Media to Drive Traffic to Your Site

There are many things in this world you will find to be evident without need of an explanation, such as life, consciousness, and love. There need not be a rhyme or reason for everything, and this can also be said about the importance of using social media to drive traffic to your main website. Though, in case you do want it explained because you’re not willing to trust the circular “evident” argument, we can do that too.

Social media is the single-most important thing to ever happen to the Internet, far more important than the actual hardware or any type of speedy Internet connection. While they’re also important factors, people would group and converse on a 3-inch black-and-white screen and dial up if they had to. So, let’s discuss exactly why social media is so important for traffic generation.

5 Reasons to Use Social Media to Drive Traffic

1: Getting Your Name Out There

First and foremost, you’re actually getting your name out there. If you’re a newcomer to this, or even if you’ve been at it a while yet are still small-time, then you know that you’re up against a lot of competition, most of which is well-funded and has a huge head start. Social media may not instantly create equality, but it does give you equal opportunity. You can get your brand out there on a wide number of social networks and compete right alongside the big players, outdoing them with your craftiness.

2: The Sheer Size

How many people actually use social media? The number is in the billions. More people use it than don’t. In fact, out of 7 billion people on this medium-sized blue rock we call home, over 75% have a mobile phone with Internet access. What are they accessing on their phones? By and large, social media sites – when they’re not shopping or browsing other extracurricular things to kill time. Using social media puts you where the people are.

3: A World Going Mobile

As mentioned above, the world is going mobile! Are you? In only two years, it is projected that there will be more cell phone subscriptions on the planet than actual people. And let’s not overlook the fact that technological capabilities are literally advancing by decades in every two-year span. We’re so far ahead of where estimates placed us only a few years ago that it’s truly scary. When the world goes mobile and accesses the ‘net via their phones, are they going to find your brand?

4: Interlinking Networks

Another great reason why you should use social media for more traffic is that you can create your own network using social networks. You can link Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, Pinterest, your blog, and other social sites, along with your main website, and create your very own network that drives people back and forth. Popularity begets popularity in a social context, and creating an interwoven network can turn a small brand into a household name.

5: Real People, Real Voices

The fifth reason on the screen should be the first in your mind, and that’s the fact that social media brings in real people with real voices. While one of your goals is to attract a large audience and to build a solid brand reputation, your bottom line is always your bottom line. What better way to spread the word that your business is with someone’s business than having a real person say it for you? Social media allows for real feedback and people’s real feelings to show through.

Social media is incredibly important to your overall business efforts. And if these few reasons above don’t convince you, just look around at a site like Facebook, view the popular brands, and then see what they’re doing. Notice it? Yeah; they’re using social media to drive traffic. That’s how sales are made.

Post written by: Simon Campbell, a writer from a facebook ad campaign tool – Qwaya. He loves to write different topics about social media

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