
Shaken & Stirred - Influential Brand Profiling and Positioning

Infographic / Google has a staggering 85% global search market share / Northstar Research Partners

Today is Google’s 15th anniversary. This infographic is by Aleksandra Szymańska, Junior Design & Research Executive at Northstar Research Partners, and explores Google’s milestones and possible future innovations.

Key points from the infographic:

  • Google’s shares are now worth around $875 – more than 10 times their original value
  • In 1996 Google began as a research project; by 2007 it was ranked the best place to work by Forbes
  • Google has a staggering 85% global search market share

Northstar Research Partners is a leading global full-service market research and consulting firm.  It works in both B2C and B2B channels; clients include eBay, Jaguar and Carlsberg.

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