Yahoo Unveil New Logo ukmarketingnetwork.co.uk
Jane Sherwood Marketing Manager of award-winning job advertising & community sites, OnlyMarketingJobs.com & UKMarketingNetwork.co.uk writes ….
What do you think of Yahoo’s new logo? It took them 30 days to create, but so far the response doesn’t seem that positive. I’ve heard a lot of people say it’s boring, what do you think? After a design process lasting 30 days and dubbed by Yahoo! “30 Days of Change”, Yahoo! has finally unveiled it’s chosen logo design.
Why Yahoo!’s Logo Does Not Matter
It’s interesting that the new logo actually looks far more dated and bland than their previous logo.
Whilst i’m a huge fan of Google, I am not a fan of their logo and have always found the bright primary colours and use of a slim serif font jarring. The fact that Yahoo! have apparently emulated aspects of the Google logo by choosing a slim, font and using a highly dated bevel effect very curious indeed.
Despite the Yahoo! brand now being 18 years old, this latest logo feels like a backwards step. The whimsical elements of the logo including the use of varying font sizes and the alignment of the exclamation mark seem to be at adds with the font that they’ve used and the highly dated bevel.
Below you can take a look at some of the drafts I liked that the in-house design team at Yahoo! came up with, the version drawn up on day 10 being my favourite and according to the internet polling website, Polar, the blocky, flat, san-serif version of the Yahoo! logo released on day 10 is the most widely liked logo.
DAY 27
DAY 10
You can see more of the designs on the Yahoo! blog.
So what do you think of the new logo – do you like it or do you prefer their old logo or any of the other designs they came up with?
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