Financial firms are forcing customers to call on high rate phone lines.
They are pocketing fortunes by forcing fed-up customers to complain via premium-rate…
It is the latest in a string of scandals to engulf the industry including the mis-selling of Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) and the manipulation of interest rates.
Consumer group Which? is now leading demands to force firms to cut the cost of calls after it found 73% of the numbers used for customer services or complaints were high rate, potentially making them tens of millions of pounds.
Banks and building societies charge 40p a minute for helplines via @thisismoney
— Will Corry (@slievemore) November 17, 2013
The news comes just a week after a Parliamentary committee said Government departments are charging customers £56million a year to call premium-rate lines.
Which? experts found 177 out of 242 customer service or complaints lines used by banks used pricey 084 or 087 numbers.
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