
Shaken & Stirred - Influential Brand Profiling and Positioning

IT guru Robin Bloor hails Mobilethink’s new smartphone and tablet picture/video Guide Service

Yesterday saw mobile device intelligence provider Mobilethink ( of Denmark announcing a new smartphone and tablet picture and video guide service, with a unique combination of troubleshooting data instantly available to call centres and subscribers alike.

This enables mobile network operators (MNOs) and mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) to substantially slash the cost of customer care.

Today sees one of the world’s leading IT gurus endorse Mobilethink’s smartphone and tablet service, which delivers online smartphone and tablet FAQs and form part of Mobilethink’s mobile eco-system. The system includes an embedded reporting system to identify and manage legal and illegal devices in the mobile, remote device configuration, device population trend analysis and much more.More information of the features and value of Mobilethink Device Guides are available at

“With customer care costs being effectively handed on by the device manufacturer to the network operator, MNOs and MVNOs are facing unprecedented pressure on margins,” says Robin Bloor, chief analyst and founder of research firm Bloor Group and a partner of Hurwitz and Associates.

He adds: “Mobilethink’s new smartphone guides are poised to become central to the daily operations of customer care centres around the world, providing welcome support to margin initiatives.”

The guides have been designed specifically for Mobilethink’s worldwide customer base of network operators and are now available to MVNOs enabling all to provide rich, up-to-date device intelligence to call centres, add vital guide data to their websites and mobile portals, and to simplify the task of in-store agents getting customers up-to-speed with their new smart device in a handful of seconds in order to generate new data revenue streams.

They enable efficient and effective customer self-care over all mobile platforms, ensure that call centres have the most up to date knowledge base possible for all smartphones entering a network, and will maximise the customer experience by facilitating operator services.

At a stroke, a mid-sized MNO with a subscriber base of 3 million users will be able to use these device guides to deflect calls by 10-15% using rich self-care options and reduce the handling time of customer care calls by 20-25% and thereby achieve annual savings of over one quarter of a million Euros in operational expenses (OPEX).

More information of the features and value of Mobilethink Device Guides are available at


About Mobilethink

Mobilethink A/S is a world leading mobile device intelligence provider and has provided mobile operators with its industry leading solutions for more than a decade. The firm has a customer base of over 100 mobile operators using Mobilethink’s solutions to better manage data of over 400 million subscribers in more than 35 countries around the world.

Its affiliate company Tweakker is a business connectivity partner of MVNOs and OEMs and provides them with cloud-based and embedded app solutions enabling their mobile customers to access the largest database of phone guides and videos available on today’s market. Visit


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