
PR : “One of the best guerrilla marketing stunts I’ve seen in a long time” / Now DHL disowns it

Latest – DHL Disowns Viral Marketing Prank

This week delivery firm DHL dispatched parcels printed with temperature activated ink, tricking rival delivery firms into a stunt that highlighted DHL’s rival offering.  DHL hired UPS and TNT to deliver large black boxes to addresses that were not that easy to find.

The boxes weren’t actually black. They were covered with a temperature-activated ink that appeared black when the boxes were chilled to sub-zero temperatures at the time of pickup. ‘But as they warmed up in the back of delivery trucks, the black ink faded revealing a large message on the side of the boxes boasting that “DHL is faster.’ reports Gizmodo.

‘As deliverymen from UPS, TNT and DPD searched for impossibly hidden or existent addresses, these trojan packages simultaneously broadcasted their inferior delivery services.’