LONDON — 11 April — Realeyes, an emotional analytics platform that measures how people feel while they view branded video content has won the prestigious Big Data Venture Challenge award at the 2014 global I-COM summit for the marketing measurement and data industry.
The award is open to data-driven start-ups from around the world that provide solutions for the digital marketing industry. Realeyes beat hundreds of submissions to become one of the 12 ‘Official Selection’ finalists to pitch in front of the I-COM @icomglobal audience and the senior panel of industry judges from around the world.
@icomglobal Nice reminder of the great week we had last week at #icom14! #bigdataventurechallengewinners #Seville
— realeyes (@realeyesit) April 7, 2014
Realeyes won the live audience vote before also going on to be crowned official winners by the judging panel at the awards ceremony at the Royal Palace in Seville, Spain.
Andreas Cohen, Chairmen of I-COM says: “I-COM is proud and honoured to announce that Realeyes is the overall winner of this year’s I-COM Big Data Venture Challenge. We congratulate them, they have been honoured by our distinguished jury for their accomplishments out of the 12 start-up companies nominated as part of the Official Selection.”
Founded at Oxford University and dubbed “The Google of Emotions”, Realeyes measures people’s emotional response to media content via standard webcams. Realeyes enables brands and agencies to really understand the impact of their creative and maximize media spend. The platform has become a powerful tool for research agencies such as Ipsos, media publishers like AOL and agencies like Havas Media to make profitable marketing decisions for many Fortune 500 brands.
“It’s an honour to win both the audience vote and the official judges selection but, more importantly, it validates how we’re helping marketers to make better decisions”, says Mihkel Jäätma, Realeyes’ CEO.
“The industry is obsessed with automation, numbers and targeting whilst the creative quality is often overlooked. Yes, programmatic allows hitting the right people at the right time but if the ad itself is poor its wasted money and damaging to the brand. Emotion analytics, which offers the scale and speed of programmatic media, avoids this, improving the quality and distribution of your creative.”
Realeyes has also just been selected by global research giant Ipsos to be their global provider of facial coding and body gesture measurement to understand how people feel while they view advertising and communications content.
For more information:
Alex Burmaster, Meteor Public Relations, 020 3544 3570,
About Realeyes
Realeyes fully automated facial coding platform measures facial expressions of volunteer test panels to quantify their emotional reactions to video content. Using standard web and mobile cameras,
Realeyes provides access to tens of millions of people across the globe giving brands and measurement companies’ vast samples to test the impact of their creative. Subconscious reactions are then analysed in real-time to provide rich data around six basic emotions and performance criteria such as attraction, retention, engagement and impact. Actionable marketing decisions are delivered to clients in less than 48 hours.
Realeyes’ analytics platform has already been used by major research firms like Nielsen, Ipsos and Toluna to improve ad campaigns dozens of brands. Based in London with an R&D team in Budapest and sales offices in New York and Boston, Realeyes is backed by $7.3 million in funding from Entrepreneurs Fund and SmartCap.