
“I was surrounded by a mountain of 99p turkey mince steaks”

Loyal Waitrose shopper Margie Bento-Davis is still receiving counselling six weeks after she absentmindedly strolled into a branch of Aldi. Her therapist has warned her that she may never overcome the shame of being seen in Aldi and almost buying something there.

‘I thought I had fallen into some kind of Hell,’ Margie recalled with a shudder. ‘One minute I was thinking of what to get for supper, the next I was surrounded by a mountain of 99p turkey mince steaks. It was horrible.’

A spokeswoman for Aldi said that in recognition of Mrs Bento-Davis’ ‘ordeal’, by way of compensation they were sending her three hundred 99p turkey mince steaks.

photo credit: John Fraissinet via photopincc