Does anyone know the name of the hot ad girl in the Expedia commercial?Expedia believes that travel can transform people in unexpected ways. On this trip, Celia takes a vacation to Hawaii, where an unanticipated moment with an underwater native creates a lasting memory.
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Groupon, the online group buying service, has ramped up its marketing efforts
What do you think of this new Groupon ad? Groupon, the online group buying service, has ramped up its marketing efforts ahead of its initial…
James Franco films his first ad campaign
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/ February 11, 2012 / All Mankind Jeans, James Franco, Lily Donaldson, Nathalie Love Via adRants In what seems mildly akin to a bunch of 60’s hipsters frolicking in LSD-infused splendor while hippy dippy music with shades of…