Red Notices are the New Red Cards
A day after Sepp Blatter announced he was resigning to focus on cleaning up FIFA (forget bending it like a Beckham, no one spins like Sepp), Interpol issued “red notices” for several FIFA officials and marketing executives. Via NextDraft
Aside from bribes and corruption, why does this scandal matter so much (and why is it sure to spread, possibly all the way to corporate sponsors)? For the answer, focus your attention on Qatar where more than a thousand workers have died building World Cup sites. Following the Nepal earthquake, Qatar officials refused to grant bereavement leave to any of the 400,000 Nepalese workers because of a tight schedule (the World Cup will kick off there in 2022).
+ “In the 1980s, it was bad cops, the Thai heroin trade and the Italian mob. In the ’90s, he turned to sports, exposing corruption with the International Olympic Committee.” And for the last 15 years, Andrew Jennings has focused his investigative reporting on FIFA.
Meet the curmudgeonly old reporter who exposed the FIFA scandal.