Today sees the launch of blur Data, .. blur Data website .. the latest product from blur Group, the world’s leading enterprise services platform and marketplace.
Designed for anyone in the business services industry searching for insights to support forecasting and budgeting, blur Data is an online business intelligence tool that provides a comprehensive industry overview on specific trends in business services – including insights into geographical focus, technology and industry verticals.
Enterprise class intelligence
Gain invaluable insight into the uptake of business services globally, monitor trends in service categories and project types, allowing one’s business strategy to be shaped by changes in demand.
Discover what budget professional services can be sourced for and how long a business project is predicted to take from kick-off to completion.
blur Group believes that by having immediate access to trending technologies and global, up-to-date statistics to inform your budget projections, blur Data will become a key strategic tool for buyers of business services when it comes to making decisions on pricing, forecasting and procurement.