
Seven ways that PR can help to maximise ROI from exhibitions …Clareville PR

As the season for exhibitions and conferences is about to start, experienced marketers are putting into place plans to use PR techniques as part of their programme to maximise the ROI they achieve from exhibiting – before, during and particularly after the show.

The reality is that, after investing heavily in exhibiting, even making the show the focal point for marketing and PR campaigns with new product launches, many organisations fail to maintain momentum after the event has ended. Keeping in contact with buyers, keeping up a high profile through the media using PR is essential if the investment in exhibiting will achieve maximum ROI and not be wasted.

Here are seven ways, seven ideas, that exhibitors can apply to make the most of the PR opportunities created by conferences and exhibitions.

They are based on the Clareville team’s 30 years of experience working with conference and exhibition organisers and exhibitors.

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