
Women for Women : “Gender equality is an unwon cause” .. Margaret Atwood, Lola Okolosie, Polly Toynbee, Athene Donald and Julie Bindel comment

Margaret Atwood writes …  In 1918 some women got the vote – but in 2018 gender equality has not been reached.

Five writers share their views on whether parity will be achieved in 2118.

Greetings, women of the future! I believe women will still be on this planet in 2118 – a large assumption in view of our threatened biosphere, but fingers crossed.

Here in 2018, it is the best of times, it is the worst of times. The long patriarchy that began with bronze age wheat-based agriculture is being replaced by a technocracy, so male-line inheritance no longer demands female chastity, and upper-body strength no longer means dominance.

Women have brains, work keyboards, and outnumber men in universities.

However, some men have been penis-flexing, combining power-play thrills with squeezing female competition out of the workplace and inspiring widespread female pushback. What will be the result? Give us a hint!

Women can now have multiple sexual partners without being burned at the stake, but the pornographication of male expectations means the meat-slabbification of women, so older women are being told to their horror. Why can’t sex be fun for all? they ask plaintively. Is this any better in your time?

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