
“Customer service is what happens when the customer experience breaks down.”

What Is CX Transformation?

This white paper provides a concise understanding of Customer Experience Transformation including: it’s definition, how companies can implement CX transformation, the kinds of tools, platforms, and processes business leveraging today, metrics CX experts are using, what you can expect from the CXO, and steps to improve lifetime customer value.

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There are a lot of definitions out there. The one that I tend to go with is that the customer experience is the sum of all the interactions that an individual has with a company during the life of their relationship. That includes their feelings, emotions, and perceptions about that relationship.

I’d also like to include what customer experience isn’t. It isn’t customer service. That’s something that a lot of people get confused about, and they use those two terms interchangeably, but they are not interchangeable.

Customer experience is the umbrella of the relationship, it encompasses many different things, whereas customer service is one department. I love how Chris Zane defined it. He said, “Customer service is what happens when the customer experience breaks down.”

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