
How to build a natural disaster emergency response plan for your small business

In business, storms shall come. In some cases these storms can be natural disasters. Prepare your business adequately with an emergency response plan.

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Natural disasters can detriment the longevity of any business.

While they often come in the forms of heavy storms, natural disasters can also be volcanic eruptions, floods, tsunamis, and earthquakes. All of these are fatal and can destroy structures and equipment, potentially ruining a business.

You can prepare your business for any natural disaster by coming up with an emergency response plan. Making one will allow your business to live on after any natural disaster because you’ll save the lives of your employees and your assets.

Read on to learn how to make an emergency response plan that will let your business quickly bounce back.

Create an Exit Plan

In the event of natural disaster, it’s important to have an emergency exit plan that your business can take advantage of. You’ll need to think of what you and employees will do and how you’ll protect your assets.

Consider the things that are necessary for your business to function, designate an area for employees to leave, and go through several test evacuations. When you’ve come up with a solid plan, make sure everyone is aware of it and remind them every few months.

Make Backup Documents and Data

A part of a business continuity plan is backing up all documents and data that are essential to your business. Depending on the business you run, you might hold a plethora of customer and product information that can affect the future of your business if lost.

Make copies of all documents and store them at an offsite location. You can also make use of a hard drive to store copies of any data that you collect. Try to print out copies of any spreadsheets that you have, as well.

Use Cloud Storage

Using a cloud-based solution will let you access your documents and data no matter where you are. This should be used alongside extra copies because it’ll give you something to fall back on if your copies get ruined.

Cloud storage is accessible even if your computer equipment is destroyed. While a computer may store certain information, that info can also be shared on a cloud network.

Try to Save Electronics

Electronics are major contributors to the success of all businesses. Because of this, you’ll need to identify the valuables within your building. Any computers, monitors, power strips, and tools can be salvaged if you’re quick enough.

If you’re informed ahead of time that a large storm or earthquake is about to happen, you and your crew should start running for the electronics that can be transported without a hassle.

Consider investing in a generator that will keep your electronics up long enough after a power-outage to properly shut them down. If any computers are abruptly shut off, there’s a chance that they can lose information (it’s a good thing you have backups).

Your priority should be the devices that your business runs on. For example, you should be grabbing the power tools instead of computers if you have a construction company, but try to get as much as you can.

Invest in a Good Insurance Policy

Having an insurance policy that covers damage caused by natural disasters will save you a ton of money and hassle. If your insurance policy covers damaged equipment, you won’t have to worry as much about salvaging them.

It’s important to check with your insurance company to see what their disaster recovery options are and how much the deductibles are. Gather all info about your property such as its value and the replacement costs for equipment to ensure you have good coverage.

Carry Out Your Disaster Recovery Plan After the Event

After you’ve gone through the preparation steps, you’ll be ready for the natural disaster that’s coming. If the worst ever happens, you’ll need to start the recovery process for your business.

Take Notes

The first thing you should do is go to your property and evaluate any damage that’s been done. Take notes and photos of everything that’s damaged, then research the costs to repair them later on.

Contact Your Insurance Company

When you’ve noted all of the damages on your property, contact your insurance company and inform them. When you file a claim, you’ll find out how much your insurance will cover so you know what you have to do yourself.

Start Making Repairs

After you’ve received any compensation, it’s time to start repairing your property. If you’re someone that enjoys fixing things themselves, you can check out this store for a variety of equipment that’s designed to make disaster restoration simpler.

Replace Your Assets

If you’ve managed to save any equipment or furniture, you’ll be ready to bring them back to your property after you’ve made repairs. You can also replace any damaged equipment that the insurance policy didn’t cover.

Create an Emergency Response Plan Today

If you own a business and still haven’t made an emergency response plan, you’ll need to do so to ensure that your business survives after a natural disaster. Without one, you’re putting many lives at risk and you can suffer heavy losses.

Start by brainstorming with your employees. Together, you can come up with a plan that will allow you to exit in the quickest way possible while saving any equipment that’s essential to your business.
