Editor: I am delighted to see the way the British public are showing their gratitude to the NHS heroes in this really rough period.
Tonight a second round of clapping at 8pm will be for the carers.
Well deserved. Makes a lot of people feel that much better.
My daughter is also playing her part. Fiona has a practical plan to help Bath NHS staff whose hands are breaking down and cracking (sometimes bleeding). Donate >>>>
She has arranged for hand creams to be delivered to the RUH hospital and she wants to get as many there as possible.
So do something right now. Donate £10 [or better still £2o or £30]. Let’s demolish that target of £500 and get the hand creams delivered.
Fiona writes
I urgently need your help for Dr’s, nurses and Medical Staff in Bath RUH.
Many of us are following government guidelines and washing our hands frequently.
Imagine how many times in a shift, Dr’s, Nurses and medical staff are using strong detergents?
Their hands are breaking down and cracking (sometimes bleeding) with the aggressive washing and alcohol gels that they have to REPEATEDLY USE.
Hand creams aren’t all the same because, the ingredients of some aren’t pure/clean enough and therefore are too harsh.
Arbonne products work. The hand cream repairs the skin and are kinder to the environment.
I have arranged for hand creams to be delivered to the RUH hospital and I want to get as many there as possible.
Michael Franti Quote: “When many little people in many little places do many little things, then the whole world changes.”