So this duck goes into a pub just after opening time and orders and pie and a pint.
The landlord says “We don’t get many ducks in here,are you local?”
The duck says “No,I’ve just started work on the building site over the road,new estate going in,should be here for a while”
So,the duck appears at the same time every day and orders a pie and a pint.
One hot summers afternoon,a man turns up wearing a top hat,tail coat and holding a bullwhip.
“Two pints of cold lager please-that’s thirsty work”
“What’s that then?”says the landlord
“We’ve just put up the Big top,the circus is in town for a week or two”
“Circus,you say?? I have a talking duck come in here every lunchtime”
“A talking duck?That’s unusual – here’s my card,get him to give me a call”
Next day,the duck comes in “Pie and a pint”
“Talking about you yesterday with the ringmaster of the circus,it’s in town for a while.He seemed to think he could some work yor way”
“A circus ?? Trapeze acts,clowns and lion tamers??”
“What the f*ck would a circus want with a plasterer?”