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Best e-Commerce review platform to build customer trust

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90% of consumers admit that their purchasing decisions are taken by online reviews, as stated by an investigation from Dimensional Research.

Marketing has always depended upon making a connection with a client and then following through with them. Today’s approach is slightly different, the digital revolution has changed the rules, especially on marketing. The truth is that the online setting is way less personal than the face-to-face and that introduces its own challenges.

Human beings already have a hard time trusting people they can’t see. An online space can therefore be the worst possible place for a professional to try to build consumers’ trust. Therefore, new online strategies have been developed to solve this issue.

It is all about trust

There are multiple proven methods to build online trust, but today we will focus on review platforms. E-commerce faces this issues on daily basis, and that’s why Revi helps online shops to build customers’ trust, and increase sales. Online purchases represent almost 20% of the total retail sales worldwide so it’s a must to build customer’s trust. The veracity of online review platforms is especially relevant. However, it isn’t that simple, there are platforms that fake user reviews, or others that make it possible to write an opinion despite not having purchased any product such as Trustpilot. 

How to choose the right review platform

To fight against this type of fraud. First of all, the eCommerce must choose a review platform that certifies the authenticity of the online reviews generated and that these are created by real customers who have previously bought in the online store.

This process also requires the platform not to restrict negative comments, but give the ecommerce the chance of responding and solving any issue that could arise from a client’s purchase process. An example of a platform that works on verification and transparency is Revi, a Spanish online review platform, and an  official Google Partner certified ratings, third-party aggregator.

Having an online review platform is key in any digital marketing plan for an e-commerce, where digital transformation is gaining more and more strength. The reviews reinforce the value of the product and the business itself, helping the consumer in their purchase decisión.

Thus, as we have previously mentioned, there are online opinion platforms that work on transparency, verification and real contact with the client. The Spanish Revi helps e-commerce to generate trust with consumer feedback and, in this way, increase sales in the short and medium-term.

Why considering Revi

Revi offers a FREE  plan, a PRO, and a PREMIUM. There are no contracts and no hidden fees. It’s as easy as paying month-by-month, being able to cancel at any time, no explanations needed. This is a huge difference compared to other review platforms. 

Best e-Commerce review platform to build customer trust

Revi, not online helps build online trust, but also the SEO, the reviews are posted on the website. This means constantly updated and original content to the website, which ranks better on Google. Furthermore, when searching on Google for a product offered in a store, google stars and its reviews will be shown making the products more visible. For those social interactions, paid subscriptions offer Facebook auto-post, fan page tab, and shared reviews on Twitter and Facebook.

In addition, it works perfectly with the main CMS such as Prestashop, Shopify, Woocommerce, and Magento. On the other hand, for those who have their own CMS developed there is a specific API key. Revi has been designed to make it easy-peasy with 3 quick steps: sign-up, install, and set-up; offering an intuitive internal panel.

There are many review platforms offering similar benefits, but quality-price based, Revi is one of the best options right now.  Ask for your FREE PREMIUM  month subscription right now!