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Top 5 Pentesting Solutions in the UK Right Now

Top 5 Pentesting

Are you looking to safeguard your data or perhaps just improve your security posture? If so, then it is time to start considering pentesting solutions. Penetration testing lets you identify security loopholes in your system before someone else who probably has no good intentions. No matter what type of business you have or how big or small it is, penetration testing should be high on your priority list. In this blog post, we will introduce you to some common types of pentesting, why they are important for any size company, who need them done regularly, and finally, provide a list of the top five pentesting solutions available in the UK.

A brief introduction to pentesting

By definition:

When an ethical hacker or pentester simulates attacks on a computer or network system to find security breaching points, it is called penetration testing.

Pentesting can be done manually or with automated tools and is usually performed by an individual or reputed provider.

How do pentesting solutions work?

There are various ways that a pentester can attempt to penetrate your system. They might try to exploit known vulnerabilities, use social engineering tactics, or break into systems using brute-force methods.

For example, web application penetration testing involves systematically testing different parts of a web application for security vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection or cross-site scripting. Conversely, network testing involves analyzing the security of a computer network, identifying open ports, weak configurations, and potential points of access for attackers.

No matter which approach they take, the goal is always the same and includes these essential phases:

  1. Reconnaissance on the target environment
  2. Scanning for vulnerabilities
  3. Exploitation of security weaknesses found
  4. Post-exploitation activities like maintaining access to systems, leaving backdoors, etc.
  5. Reporting

Why is pentesting important?

Businesses of all sizes are at risk of being hacked, and the damage that can be done can be devastating.

Here are just some of the reasons how it can help:

  • It can help you identify vulnerabilities in your system before a hacker does.
  • Pentesting can help you improve your security posture and protect your data.
  • It can help you meet compliance requirements.
  • It can also help you stay competitive and improve your reputation.

Who needs pentesting?

All businesses should consider pentesting as part of their overall security strategy, but there are some specific types of companies that may find it even more beneficial:

  • Companies that handle sensitive data, such as credit card information or healthcare data.
  • Companies that store or manage sensitive data/confidential information.
  • Companies with a Bring-your-own-device or a Work-from-home policy.
  • Companies that have faced data breaches in the past.

How often should you perform pentesting?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the frequency of pentesting will vary depending on your specific needs and environment. It is recommended that you perform pentests at least once a year. Do so more frequently if you just made changes to your IT infrastructure or security policy.

How to decide which pentesting solution is right for you?

When choosing a pentester, it is important to consider their experience and expertise, as well as their ability to meet your specific needs.

Consider these factors when deciding:

  • The size of your company and how complex the environment to be tested is.
  • Your budget.
  • The pentesting methodology will be used.
  • The reporting format that works for you especially if you’re trying to meet regulatory compliances.

Top five pentesting solutions in the UK right now:

We have compiled a list of the top five pentesting solutions in the UK based on our experience and research.

These providers offer a variety of services and cater to businesses in any industry and of any size. If you are considering pentesting, then one of these providers should be able to meet your needs:

1) Astra Security:

Astra Security is an IT security firm that specialises in pentesting. They offer comprehensive security audits conducted by experts and their pen testing methods meet the top industry standards and compliance.

Their product- Astra Pentest, is a neat tool developed by them and it packs all the necessary features one would expect.

Features of Astra’s Pentest Suite:

  • Interactive and user-friendly dashboard with real-time threat updates
  • Recommendations to fix each vulnerability
  • On cloud assessments for SaaS apps
  • Risk scores
  • Testing against 2500+ known vulnerabilities

Apart from their automated tool they house experts in the field of ethical hacking and security audits to perform manual tests.

2) BreachLock:

BreachLock is a provider of pentesting solutions and other IT security services. Their team of highly experienced testers who are well-versed in the latest techniques and the best penetration testing tools have managed to combine their hands-on experience with AI (Artificial Intelligence) and provide a unique pentesting solution.

3) Mitigate Cyber:

Mitigate Cyber is a pentesting and cybersecurity consultancy company that does its best to help businesses protect their data. They have a team of specialists with experience in penetration testing, malware analysis, incident response, and support.

4) Jumpsec:

Jumpsec is another UK-based company that is making its way up in the industry. They specialise in penetration testing and help businesses improve their cybersecurity knowledge.

5) Cyber Tec Security:

Cyber Tec Security provides cyber security services to small and medium-sized enterprises. They help organisations protect themselves from cyber threats by training and awareness programmes, threat intelligence and managed security services, antivirus, compliance testing, and more.


Penetration testing is an important component of any IT cyber security plan. It can help identify vulnerabilities in your systems and networks and help to protect your organisation from potential attacks. If you are looking for a pentesting solution within the UK, then consider one of the providers mentioned in this article. They all offer comprehensive services and cater to businesses of all sizes. Remember to conduct penetration tests regularly in order to ensure the safety of your organisation’s data.


Author Bio: Ankit Pahuja is the Marketing Lead & Evangelist at Astra Security. Ever since his adulthood (literally, he was 20 years old), he began finding vulnerabilities in websites & network infrastructures. Starting his professional career as a software engineer at one of the unicorns enables him in bringing “engineering in marketing” to reality. Working actively in the cybersecurity space for more than 2 years makes him the perfect T-shaped marketing professional. Ankit is an avid speaker in the security space and has delivered various talks in top companies, early-age startups, and online events.
