On every media channel that’s viewed these days, the environment is always likely to come up as a talking point, whether they’re discussing deforestation, pollution, global warming or the future of our planet in general. This leaves many businesses wondering how it’s best to adapt, allowing for the problems to be addressed and solved. From affiliate sites like algo affilliates to traditional brick and mortar companies, corporate social responsibility can influence customer decisions, making it more than just a moral duty.
An Increase in Company Environmental Pledges
In the last decade, businesses in all industries have been making pledges to lessen their impact on the environment. For instance, Amazon announced in 2019 that it would be co-creating The Climate Pledge to hit net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. Shortly after this announcement by Amazon, Apple followed the trend by stating it would also commit to becoming 100% carbon neutral by 2030. This includes all aspects of the business and through their supply chains.
Next to follow was Google who took things one step further. They decided to make a pledge saying that all energy sources used for their business would come from carbon-free sources by 2030.
The Power of Public Opinion
Surveys have been conducted on all age groups across the world to determine how important climate change is to them. The results showed that 64% considered the problem to be a global emergency. And for under-18s, the number is even higher at around 70%. Another notable survey found that 77% of consumers were motivated to buy from companies committed to making the world a better place.
So, what does this mean? It’s overwhelmingly clear that individuals across the globe will respond positively to businesses that are focused on reducing their environmental impact, whether that consists of using recycled materials, partnering with environmental charities or starting new initiatives.
World Governments’ Influence
Environmental summits such as COP26 (United Nations Climate Change Conference) and previous ones have increased the accountability of governments, resulting in new policies and guidelines for companies to follow. This means not only do businesses need to observe and obey certain rules, but they can also include changes into their marketing campaign, helping to increase customer opportunities while following the rules!
Branding Changes
Moving onwards from pledges, some companies have adopted the approach of rebranding themselves completely to be viewed as eco-friendly. This has shown two significant benefits: uniqueness and being perceived as more reputable. It allows them to differentiate from other companies while promoting corporate sustainability.
As a result, trust levels are known to increase, improving customer loyalty. Therefore, it’s no surprise that existing businesses are rebranding, along with new start-ups focusing heavily on combating environmental issues. The business case for doing so is totally compelling these days.
The Environment’s Impact On Business Marketing
Consumers are now becoming increasingly aware of the impact that businesses have on the environment. No longer do we live in an age where the cheapest is always best. Other factors that help lessen the effect on the environment are becoming more important.
Marketing is at the forefront of allowing companies to promote their good intentions to the public, helping both the environment and for them to reach more customers.