‘The return to live events is great news for sponsors of conferences, awards, associations and many other events, particularly as they have the opportunity to gain the full return on their investment in partnerships after two years of restrictions,” observes Adam Simpson, Director of Marketing at etc.venues.
“Now that our venues are busy with live events of all types, our event managers are finding that sponsors, particularly those with long-term partner relationships with organisations or events, say that they have greatly missed the chance to interact in-person with members and delegates as they are crucial in achieving their sponsorship aims”.
Nexus Media Events who recently ran their TOP Conference at etc.venues 155 Bishopsgate in London, see live events as crucial to the telecommunications technology industry. Charlotte Minter, Director of Operations for the event says the company is keen to return to face-to-face conferences and exhibitions.
“We describe TOP as ‘the networking destination for the industry’. So, it was great for our delegates, sponsors and partners to be able to meet and do business in-person at our event this year. Everyone was once again able to make the most of the networking opportunities that we offer, and that everyone wants. Feedback from the event was excellent, particularly from the sponsors.”
Adam Simpson adds “While virtual conferences have provided some opportunities for sponsors, there is so much that they can’t deliver effectively in comparison with live events.”
Pressure from sponsors
He also revealed that pressure from sponsors was contributing to strong demand for re- booking space in Q3 and Q4 of 2022 as events that were successful in 2021 look to repeat and grow.
The National Undergraduate Employability (NUE) Awards also took place at etcvenues 155 Bishopsgate. James Hooper, COO from DBL, who attended all the way from Sydney, said “Huge congratulations to the RateMyPlacement team on a fabulous event! It was thrilling to be able to speak to so many people face-to-face again and we hope to be able to attend many more in the future.”
Jackie Grisdale, Youth Marketing Consultant from SMRS, said “It was great to be back meeting face-to-face. We have been supporting RMP with their Awards since 2019 and a key component of our partnership is the live events. These give us the very valuable opportunity to meet and develop relationships with prospective clients in-person, something you simply can’t replicate in the same way through virtual environments.”
Adam Simpson adds; “Event organisers and sponsorship managers are clearly happy and relieved to be able, after two years of reduced revenue from virtual events, to offer all the benefits of live events. This is the year of meeting up.”
Adam Simpson, Director of Marketing, etc.venues