Trading is not an easy task, but with the right platform, you can rest assured that regarding it. One of the most important things that come while trading is the creation of accounts. You always get stuck as to what is the right account for you.
Most of the trading platforms don’t come in with a lot of variations. It is because they don’t have a lot of customer segments to target. But FinoTrend gives you the leverage to trade by selecting the right account for you.
In this article, we’ll go deep dive into the different kinds of accounts that are available. Moreover, will also look into the features provided by each and every account type.
Before we do it, let us find out the different types of traders for this platform.
Different types of Traders for FinoTrend
The trading customer segment is divided into many parts, yet we need to find out only the target customers.
The target customers of the platform is the following.
- Beginners: Someone who is very new to trading and is looking forward to tasting the waters can be termed a beginner. Not a very huge capital invested, but very ambitious.
- Experienced: A trader who has been trading for the last two to five years can be termed an experienced trader. The capital is modest, yet not very risk-taking as well.
- Professional: Someone who has been into trading for the last five to 10 years and considers it as the main source of his income. He is a mixture of a risk-taker as well as a risk-averse.
Let us find out the different types of accounts that are available on this platform.
Account Types with FinoTrend
There are broadly 5 categories of accounts that are available with the platform.
As the name suggests, it’s a great starting point for any trader in his trading journey with a deposit amount of 5000 euros only, you can start your trading here. Some of the features available are access to the web trader platform and mobile application.
Leverage of 1:10, allows you to trade across 60+ trading instruments on FinoTrend. Isn’t it interesting?
This account is good if you have transcended from a beginner to an expert. The first thing that you can experience here is the ease with which the traits can be taken. Moreover, to open this account, the account opening balances around 10000 euros.
Gives you the leverage of 20 times, this lets you trade across all the 60 instruments as well. The only disadvantage is that you will not have access to the trading signals.
With an account opening balance of around 25,000 euros and trading leverage of 30 times, this is very good for an expert trader. You also have the access to mobile trading platforms which makes it really very interesting.
Avail of this account if you are very serious about your trading. It comes in with great trading signals and leverage of around 40 times.
A true catch for a professional trader.
Only if you have been into trading for more than 15 years. This is the right thing for you. With all the exclusive features right for you, this trading platform is doing its best to serve its loyal customers.
Conclusion: With a lot of features available along with great account types, this ensures that they have done proper research into the customer segment. Understand the type of question where you are and log into their trading portal right now. Hurry up!