A resume is more than just a document you need to include with a job application. As a result of technological improvements, it has become even harder to pass the screening procedure. They are your first chance to make a positive first impression on a possible employer. Using tools like applicant tracking systems, resumes are scanned and approved before they even reach the desk of an employer.
How can you avoid being flagged by these applicant tracking systems while making a good impression? Check out some of the items these business professionals suggested you not put on your upcoming resume.
Unspecific abilities or skills
One of the worst mistakes you can make nowadays when looking for a job is to be evasive about the skills you can bring to the table. To determine if this is a position you’d be interested in applying for, you can check the job description that the companies have supplied. Due to the fact that you are not customizing each CV for each application, the firm will be aware if you are offering the same general talents to all of them. Not only will the company see that you didn’t care enough to consider what they were looking for in a candidate, but you won’t just have any matches in the applicant tracking system.
There is a substantial difference between a trait and a skill. Even if you tell a prospective employer that you are “responsible” or “creative,” if your CV doesn’t have the credentials to support it, it will seem as though you fluffed it. Spend some time figuring out the exact skills and experiences that are specified in the job description, and then describe them in the same way on your resume. This not only shows the firm that you read what they have written, but also that you are the applicant they are looking for. The usage of their language and stated necessary skills will also make your CV seem like a very high match if they have an applicant monitoring system.
University Information
It can be tempting to add on your resume any information that might increase your qualifications for a job. However, unless you are a current high school student or have recently graduated, businesses are not likely to be interested in what you accomplished in high school. There are few exceptions to the general rule that employers are more interested in your skills and experiences than your high school GPA.
In general, it wouldn’t be necessary to list all of your high school details. Having said that, you can include any employment from your time in high school as well as your participation in clubs or groups in your experience sections. Unless you attended a trade school where your high school experience served as both job training and classroom instruction, an employer is unlikely to be interested in the information listed in the education section, such as your high school’s name, your GPA, the classes you took, or the sports you played.
Irrelevant Work History
You might be shocked to find that a CV could have too much data. Even though you could have held a range of positions, it’s best to focus on the ones that are most relevant to the job you’re searching for. This is when it will be beneficial to customize your resume for each position.
The general rule of thumb is to limit your resume to 1 page for every 10 years of experience in the field or sector you are applying to. This is a widely accepted approach because, in our capacity as employers, we are more interested in your experience relevant to this position than the five or six different part-time jobs you held while in college. Don’t include the jobs that didn’t help you develop the most transferrable skills for the opportunities you’re applying for. This will provide you more room to include additional skills for each profession, as opposed to simply having enough for one or two bullets for each position.

Too much personal information
A resume is written in a formal style. As a result, you ought to avoid presenting a lot of private information on your resume. Personal information might range from interests to family information to complete street addresses and more.
Your CV is not one of the occasions or settings where it is okay to be witty or outgoing and discuss these subjects. Furthermore, additional components like photographs could provide serious problems. Some companies designate them as HR infractions and disrupt applicant monitoring systems since they don’t want to be accused of selecting candidates based purely on appearance. Last but not least, your CV no longer needs to include your full street address. Like everything else done online, there is no guarantee that the information will reach the right individuals. We won’t mail you an interview request. Because there are job scammers out there, don’t immediately give them all of your personal information.
Other Documents
More files shouldn’t be attached to your resume unless specifically requested. While it may seem convenient to give a prospective employer your resume, cover letter, and references all in one package to ensure they get everything at once, there may be a valid reason why they haven’t made this request.
Do not place your additional application documents in the same file as your resume if there is no direction to do so. If we need those later, you can bring them to an interview; we’ll let you know if we do. Application tracking systems significantly lower your score because they are not intended to analyze cover letters and references. Additionally, we can be employing a file organizing system that requires us to maintain objectivity. Don’t be the employee who can’t follow instructions and makes the employer save your data separately.
Nonsensical Bullet Points
Bullet points are the simplest way to express your idea in a paper. In fact, it’s possible that “avoid paragraphs” was introduced as a second point. Employers may immediately recognize the credentials and experience displayed in bullet points while perusing a resume. Good bullet point writing requires time and practice, but it could be what sets you apart from the competition.
Numerous applications are submitted to employers for each vacancy that is offered. You must take all necessary measures to guarantee that the information on your document is delivered to them quickly and effectively. The best method to achieve this is through your bullet points. The STAR method, which stands for circumstance, task, action, and outcome, should be used. Since you only have about 5 to 6 seconds to make a good first impression on an employer, using this strategy to write a bullet is a great place to start. Try to keep them to one line as well, if you can. Remember that the goal of your CV is to secure an interview, not to detail all of your qualifications for a position.
Final Remark
Writing a CV can be overwhelming, but by taking it to step by step and avoiding some of these mistakes, you can improve your chances of landing an interview.