Your website is among your valuable marketing asset. Site design specifically has an important influence on your user experience and marketing metrics. A confusing menu, slow page load, and missing functionality can affect your business. If the website design has started to show you some of these signs, maybe it’s time to update your design. Appliance Hunter is among the best service providers you would consider. If you want to optimize your website for higher conversion, you can try and use abtesting.com.
A fully modified site redesign can be expensive; therefore, taking time to determine if you require a full redesign or only need a few updates like adding plugins.
In this article, we will discuss the best right time to update your website theme. You can update your website theme once you notice that;
Your website pages load slowly, and you are unable to do site updates
Every second delay can minimise client satisfaction by 16%. You can test your speed regularly using free tools which can show underlying design issues. Again If you are straining to add a new page, your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and site traffic are in trouble if you can’t get fresh content.
You have an unbranded design and a high bounce rate
If you notice your website design does not reflect your brand, there is a problem. Typography, logos, color, and image portray a brand value and give visitors the last impression. Most websites have a bouncing rate between 26% and 70%. A high bounce rate that is above 40% can show various design issues like low quality content, confusing navigation, or poor page load.
Your website isn’t optimised for mobile and has SEO problems
Half of the world’s internet traffic comes from a mobile devices. Therefore, a non-existent or poor website can make you lose a big percentage of your customers. Also, most search engines rank websites using hundreds of factors such as content, usability, and design. If you are not ranking for essential search phrases, it’s then time to change.
You do not have a custom homepage, and you have bad conversion rates
Your homepage is among your website customers’ first impressions. A lackluster homepage can reduce your crawl range or the average pages that customers view.
Additionally, your website should provide many chances to convert customers into leads, including:
- Subscribing to mails
- Filling a contact form
- Downloading an e-book
Low conversion rates imply that an upload is needed to enhance your calls to action or include more conversion pathways.
Your website is not secure, and your navigation is confusing
Your SEO may be harmed if your website is not secured with the HTTPs procedure. A low crawl or high bounce rate indicates that your navigation platform does not help your viewers.
There are endless reasons that a website may be struggling, and it’s not a must you do a redesign. You can attain more capabilities with your website by using certain update features and reset actions such as adopting new plugins and switching themes. Identify your website needs and know what updates they need for you to thrive in your business.