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Why Using a Film Studio Makes Sense

Creating the perfect, polished video takes more than a smartphone to pull off. Sure, technology has come a long way and filmmakers are finding new ways to capture their vision than ever before. But there is more to it than that.

Having a controlled space can make all the difference in the world. No matter your experience level, plan to use a film studio London if you want to take your next production to the next level. Here are just a few of the major benefits to filming in a controlled environment.


Everything in One Place

Think of filming as building a project from scratch. When starting a new project, you need to ensure that you have all of the right tools in one place. The beauty of a studio is that you can ensure that you have all of the necessary tools available right in one place.

Everything will be in a convenient place and you won’t have to worry about relocating equipment or crew. Everything can be up and ready to go each day, cutting out wasted time. This is especially good for larger equipment like dollies or cranes. They can be set up and left alone without need for supervision.

When filming on location, controlling equipment becomes a lot messier. By filming at a studio, you can keep everything where you need it to be. More importantly, you can more easily access that equipment at a moment’s notice.

Controlled Environment

Perhaps the single biggest reason to set up in a studio space is because of the control you can gain. There are a lot of variables that can present themselves when shooting on location. Traffic noises, onlookers, weather, and more all have the ability to interfere with both the audio and video.

For that reason, a studio is a great idea because it provides a controlled space. Lighting is everything, especially when it comes to filming. Being able to control lighting and mitigate any outside noise can allow you to create the perfect scene each time. There is no need to figure out where the sun will be in the sky or what the weather report is like.

Create clearer, crisper audio and the perfect visuals by setting up in a studio. In the end, it creates an easier shoot than would be possible on any location.

Stage the Scene

Another great thing about using a studio space is the implementation of a green screen. The fabled green screen allows video footage from another source to be displayed within the shot. This kind of technology has progressed to the point where you can create any kind of backdrop for the production without the need to be on location.

Using a green screen, you can be anywhere in the world – or universe. Being able to stage the shot can provide ease when it comes to changing the visuals. Filming in a studio can provide you with the ability to make any shot you can think of.

Full Technology Access

Nearly every aspect of the production process is now tied to computers. Whether it be reviewing shots, editing, or uploading them, having that kind of technology easily available can make a huge difference in any production.

By filming in a studio, you can ensure that everything is seamlessly accessible. It saves time and frustration that would otherwise come from a location shoot, creating a more seamless production on the whole.

It doesn’t matter how big the production is. Greater convenience can create an easier time capturing the vision that the editor and producer have in mind.