
Shaken & Stirred - Influential Brand Profiling and Positioning

email marketing tips

How to Create the Perfect Email Marketing Campaign


In the digital age, trying to make money online can be demoralizing. Whether through online ads, social media, billboards, or TV and radio spots, promoting your brand can feel like a bewildering array of tasks to keep up with the competition.

It’s a given that many people who encounter your ads will have no interest in your company. Algorithms and strategic ad placement can increase your chances, but it will still be hit and miss. 

One kind of ad reaches potentially interested customers better than any other, though: email campaigns. 

Too often overlooked, email marketing, especially when expertly managed by a Klaviyo Email Marketing Agency, is a marketing strategy that, if done right, can lead to superior results. The greatest challenge is how to stand out when people already have overflowing inboxes. The greatest challenge is how to stand out when people already have overflowing inboxes.

But if you do it right, email campaigns can be an effective and free promotional tool that will lead to big sales and engagement. This blog post will walk you through a guide for how to create the perfect marketing email that grabs attention, delivers your message, and drives results. 

Define Your Goal

Before diving into the email creation process, you have to clarify your objective. Are you promoting a new product, announcing a special offer, or simply trying to keep past customers up to date? Your goal will shape your email’s content, tone, and structure.

Attention-Grabbing Subject Line

The subject line the most crucial part. It should be concise, engaging, and relevant. Use actionable language, create a sense of urgency, or pique curiosity to entice recipients to open the email. 

Avoid misleading or spammy subject lines, damaging your reputation and resulting in low open rates. Also avoid emojis, capitalization, or excessive punctuation (SALE!!!!!!!).

Emojis might seem fun and creative, but they are spammy, particularly in the subject line.

Engaging Introduction

After the email has been opened, the introduction should captivate attention. Start with a warm greeting and an intriguing hook, one that instantly communicates the value or benefit the reader will gain by proceeding. Make it clear why they should continue reading your email.

Also, consider including a bright or posterizing graphic that will make readers desire to read more. Just getting that person to keep the email open for a few extra seconds can make the difference and keep them engaged.

Clear and Compelling Message

Once you’ve got people interested in seeing the rest, you must ensure the message is exciting but concise. Brevity is essential, whether you achieve it through a graphic or words. 

For example, if Cetaris, a fleet management softwar firm, wanted a quick message, they might say, “Check out our newest technology that saves trucking companies thousands of dollars on repairs yearly! Click here to see how.”

There’s obviously much more to the story, but the brief message should intrigue the reader, so many will click on the link to learn more. 

Engaging Call-to-Action (CTA)

A compelling call to action is essential to drive business. Make your CTA clear, concise, and visually appealing as well.

Use action verbs and phrases and foster a sense of urgency. For example, “Shop now,” “Learn more,” or “Claim your offer today.” 

Position your CTA prominently and make it stand out with contrasting colors or buttons. You might place CTA buttons throughout the email, including one near the top of the email.

Who cares whether the recipient reads the entire email message if they click on the link and go to your product page?

Mobile-Optimized Design

Due to the increasing use of smartphones, optimizing your email for mobile devices is critical. Make sure your email is responsive: that it adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes.

To make it easy for mobile users to navigate and take action, use a single-column layout, legible fonts, and large buttons. Never assume that an email will look good on a mobile device.

A single picture, button, or large title can make the entire format of an email look off on a phone screen, even if it looks perfect on a desktop.

Test and Analyze

The most important step in your entire email marketing process is to make sure to test everything. One major error could cost your company thousands of dollars as people unsubscribe.

Before you send your email to everyone, check the following.

  1. Test it across a variety of email clients and devices to ensure it appears as intended.
  2. Check for broken links, typos, and formatting issues.
  3. Once sent, track key metrics such as open and click-through rates, and conversions.
  4. Analyze the results to gain insights and make data-driven improvements for future campaigns.

Email campaigns tend to get neglected when people talk about marketing and advertising. However, they can be extremely effective, unlike a social media ad that will more likely get passed over or a billboard that may have an impact but be forgotten because the viewer is driving.  

The perfect email campaign can lead to greater sales, build a strong brand community, and doesn’t cost anything. By following these steps, you can craft a powerful one.