
Infographic : “Young females blog 3 times more than boys of the same age” …. blogfoster

blogfoster have just produced a superb infographic ….Anatomy of a Blogger Infographic

Technology leader in blog and influencer marketing blogfoster ( headquartered in Berlin, is looking to open up a local office in London. The Berlin based tech start-up, founded in 2013, has created a scalable software solution that connects advertisers, bloggers and influencers.

The young company has earned a leading role in technology a mere two years after entering the market and is opening up the British blogosphere for their advertising clients. The first step in the journey includes a co-working space in London’s vibrant district of Camden, put at blogfoster’s disposal by the city of Berlin. 

blogfoster have just produced a superb infographic ….Anatomy of a Blogger Infographic

More on blogfoster and the move to London