
How to use B2B data and marketing lists to your advantage

It is no secret that the failure or success of your marketing campaigns will be hinging on the quality of your data.

And you wiIl find that when you are in the B2B market, you don’t have quite the same access as B2C marketers might.

A B2B database will be amongst your most powerful tools – so using it correctly is a must. Of course, if you don’t have a data list, then the first thing you are going to want to do is source one from somewhere like

Why Create A B2B database?

Imagine you sell the most wonderful baked goods. They are rich, delicious, chocolatey, and frankly, perfection. You are marketing to vegans and lactose intolerant businesses as well as others – because your database is unrefined and messy. You won’t get a single bite from a large chunk of your marketing efforts: this is wasted time and budget.

Your database should be broken up and finely tuned to the only market to the people that are suited to your product. A B2B database will help you to know your audience, and you get a fully-rounded picture of who your target market is. Meaning you can market your products more efficiently, with less cost and time wast

So if you want to know how to make the most of your marketing lists, then here are some areas for you to look into.


No matter where you get your database from, you need to be sure that it is consent-based. If you are sending out unsolicited emails, you have to know that actually they will be received in a good way. Privacy is a big deal, so ensure you are working well within the lines.


With access to the right information, you can finely-tune your marketing campaign to get exactly what you want to say, and with a delivery that will have the recipient salivating for your products. There are a number of factors you can use to ensure that your campaign feels personal.

When it comes to emails, we have all gotten plenty of ‘Hi XXX’, and that is okay. But personalized subject lines and first names aren’t magic. Instead, you can have a number of key identifiers that will take the users through a different path.

For example, if they are already making purchases, or have clicked through a few links, sending them another teaser probably won’t work. But combine their data with the clicks from your previous emails, and you have a recipe for success. Personalized emails offer a much higher transactional rate than mass mail outs.


You have all of the information at your fingertips, and you can now test and optimize as you wish. You can manipulate your decisions going forward to match the actions of your database.

Research and data are the foundation of all of your marketing, which makes optimization and testing your future guide. Employ A/B testing tools to see which of your emails are getting click-throughs – one will likely show significantly more interest than the other – even within your finely tuned database.

Test, refine, test, refine.


When you are putting together an advertising campaign, the chances are you are looking to social media. It is both cost-effective and quick delivery. You can use the data you have to define parameters and know that your adverts are being delivered to the people who are most likely to take action when seeing them.

You can also leverage retargeting. This is basically a cookie-based technology that uses code, JavaScript, to anonymously track what your audience looks at and searches for online. So if they look for those delicious cupcakes, you can deliver adverts in the right places. This ensures your adverts are relevant.


Powerful and ever-changing. It is often that case that a company will get a recommendation, simply because they appear to have a great reputation, even if someone hasn’t personally purchased from them. Combining great content marketing with your brand reputation management across all platforms, and you can build up a status of specialty and niche in your area.

Brand recognition is something that can lead to referrals and new business often. People will understand that you are an expert in their field, even if they haven’t had cause to purchase from you – yet.

When it comes to using your data for leverage, the key factor will always be the quality of your data.

And the amount of information that you have. An email address is usually enough to get you in the door, but the more you know, the more you can use to deliver your best campaigns.
