Did you know, February 22 (Wednesday) is National Margarita Day!
There are dozens of people who claim to be the creator of the first margarita drink. One of whom is a bartender named Willie from Mexico City. He says that in 1934 he concocted the drink for his friend, Marguerite Hemery (whom he named the drink after).
Salvador Negrete is another man who claims to be the inventor of margaritas. The day before his brother’s marriage in 1936, Salvador presented the margarita cocktail as a wedding present to Margarita (his sister-in-law). There are various other stories of the drink’s invention, but the true identity of the tequila master remains unknown.
To celebrate National Margarita Day, invite some friends over to make your own margarita bar to celebrate. Where will you be celebrating National Margarita Day?