Obviously a few local catering supplies companies will benefit from the G8 Summit at Lough Erne in County Fermanagh, or I’d like to think so. But what else will it do for small businesses?
Obviously a few local catering supplies companies will benefit from the G8 Summit at Lough Erne in County Fermanagh, or I’d like to think so. But what else will it do for small businesses? Not a lot if the Olympics are anything to go by…
Governments are never going to sort out the economy, our MPs make lots of noise but they rarely stand up for what they believe in, they simply follow the party line and look forward to 3 terms of office so they can claim a full pension at the end… or that’s how it feels to me.
We have to stand up for ourselves and stop simply looking for the cheapest price online but to the whole package a business offers us. Customer service has to start to dominate our thinking and this surely has to mean local businesses, who can supply within hours of the call with a smile and a friendly tone to their voice.
Business in Berkshire is currently working on a new format… here’s our thinking… join today for a massively reduced monthly fee which will save you a few thousand pounds over the course of the next year. For the new model to work, we need some initial momentum, so I have created an offer which should be difficult to refuse if you appreciate the energy, enthusiasm and impact I can & have brought to my environment over the years.
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