
New £1.5m Nurofen advertising campaign

A new Nurofen ‘Unite to Conquer Body Pain’ advertising campaign which focusses on the combination of two products: Nurofen Express Tablets and Nurofen Express Heat Patches broke on Monday 3rd February 2014.  RB’s new £1.5m multi-channel media campaign to support its leading Nurofen brand will involve TV, digital, in-store activity and PR.

The aim of the campaign will be to educate consumers on how Nurofen Express Heat Patches and Nurofen Express Tablets can be used together to help treat body pain. Nurofen Express Heat Patches activate immediately to deliver soothing heat therapy while Nurofen Express Tablets quickly target pain at the source. Because Nurofen Express Heat Patches are non-medicated they are safe to use in conjunction with Nurofen Express Tablets to deliver a fast, effective pain relieving combination.

Nurofen Express Heat Patches (Reg) RRP £3.99 & Nurofen Express Heat Patches (Large) RRP £4.99, Start to heat in just 5 minutes. Flexible patches available in two sizes for maximum comfort and ease of application.

Nurofen Express 256mg Tablets 16’s RRP £3.56, contain a form of ibuprofen which breaks down easily in the body. This makes it easier for the body to absorb it into the bloodstream and get to the source of pain quickly, providing rapid effective relief from a range of pains.