
A social media campaign success story / Creme Egg cracking the younger market

“Creme Eggs are legendary,absolutely love them”
“Sickly sweet, messy to eat, not healthy at all. But one of my guiltiest pleasures”

In 2012, Cadbury Creme Egg was struggling to get its voice heard in a crowded confectionary market and sales were down. Since then, the brand seems to have gone from strength to strength, seeing its sales rise last year –now recent BrandIndex data shows that this year’s advertising campaign is on course to continue the good news for the brand. Watch the latest video.

The recent campaign encourages people to ‘Have a fling with a Creme Egg’, through TV adverts as well as social media. The TV ad shows someone preparing for a night out and flirting with a Creme Egg. The social media campaign creates egg versions of  popular social networking and dating sites, such as ‘Eggstagram’ and ‘Tindegg’, and continues last year’s popular  #CremeEggBake, encouraging people to suggest new ways to bake with Creme Eggs.

BrandIndex shows that, since the ‘Have a fling with a Creme Egg’ campaign launch on 1 January, general Advertising Awareness has increased by 23% and Purchase Intent has increased by 8%.