Exponential @exponentialinc has launched a new ad technology that, for the first time, applies transparent audience behavioural models in real-time to help optimise online campaigns.
Called “AERO”, the technology/algorithm instantly analyses 50,000 user interests/behaviours to define which ones exhibit the greatest behavioural ‘lift’ so the ad can instantly be served to the people most likely to react to it.
Why it’s different 1/ Tests have indicated it improves the performance of campaigns by 24% on average.
2/ It eliminates wasted ad spend as the campaign can be optimised right from the very start. Other optimisation processes rely solely on machine learning to improve campaigns – this requires large amounts of data/time so there’s lots of wastage during the ‘learning’ phase.
Exponential unveils Audience Efficient Real-time Optimization (AERO). New technology applies transparent behavioural audience modelling directly to ad decisions for the first time; increases campaign performance by an average of 24%LONDON — 9 April, 2014 — Exponential Interactive announces the debut of an innovative new campaign optimisation algorithm to transform the performance of online campaigns.
For the first time, Audience-Efficient Real-time Optimization (AERO) applies transparent behavioural audience models directly to campaign optimisation in real time, all the time. The technology incorporates the behavioural lift, or ‘audience efficiency’, of every user impression to determine which impression is best suited for each campaign. Tests using the new technology indicated that AERO can increase campaign performance by an average of 24 percent.
The new technology uses the proprietary interest-based audience dataset and transparent audience modelling technology housed in Exponential’s e-X Advertising Intelligence Platform. E-X identifies the unique performance lift of 50,000 different user interests and intentions against any campaign. AERO applies that information in real time to expose campaigns to the users most likely to convert, improve the relevance of campaigns for users, and minimise media waste for advertisers.
Doug Conely, chief strategy officer at Exponential, said: “We are using our strongest assets –best-in-class audience modelling and proprietary behavioural data – to meet the advertiser’s most crucial demands: campaign optimisation and superior performance.”
“Having complete transparency about how our audience profiling and modelling works has given advertisers a level of trust they cannot find in ‘black-box’ technologies for behavioural advertising. We’re now bringing the effectiveness and transparency of our platform directly to bear on the way we optimise campaigns in real time.
Conely added that the new technology also helps eliminate wasted online display media spend by enabling campaigns to be optimised from the very start.
“Most traditional optimisation processes rely solely on machine learning to improve display campaigns as they progress. Large amounts of data are needed over time to recognise statistically significant patterns and make better decisions. As a result of that learning phase, campaigns are exposed unnecessarily to users, creating discomfort and annoyance among consumers and budgetary waste for advertisers,” he said.
“However, AERO enables each campaign to own a specific, transparent interest-based audience model from the outset —before the learning phase begins. This eliminates potential waste and enables immediate optimised performance by optimising the degree to which campaigns are exposed to users that are likely to convert.”
He added: “Online display advertising continues to represent a huge, growing opportunity for brands and advertisers. With AERO, we can help deliver on the promise of optimised, efficient display campaigns that not only impact conversions, but also awareness and consideration.”
Alex Burmaster, Meteor Public Relations, alex@meteorpublicrelations.com