Senior marketers in the UK are overwhelmingly in favour of voting to remain in the UK in the upcoming EU referendum, according to a survey by The Marketing Society and RadiumOne.
Brexit: Nearly 8 in 10 marketers to vote in
Senior marketers in the UK are overwhelmingly in favour of remaining in the UK, according to a survey by The Marketing Society, in partnership with RadiumOne.
The Marketing Society surveyed its members to understand the position of the marketing industry in the upcoming EU referendum and how they see it affecting the marketing industry. 77% said they’d vote ‘in’, 15% said ‘out’, whilst 8% are still undecided.
The biggest positive impact of staying in is on short-term business confidence – cited by 94% – followed by travelling in/around the EU (88%) and political stability (79%). Almost seven in ten (69%) reported it having a positive impact on their company’s growth.
Immigration was the only issue which staying in the EU sees negative sentiment (46%) outweigh positive (32%) sentiment.
CEO of The Marketing Society Hugh Burkitt commented: “We do not have an official Marketing Society viewpoint as we are not a lobbying organisation, but Brexit would unquestionably lead to a period of considerable business uncertainty which is never good for the plans for expansion and innovation on which marketers thrive – as evidenced by the results of our member survey. We’ll all be waiting with baited breath on the 24 June to see what the future holds.”
“The debate is an interesting battle between the left brain (language) and the right brain (emotion) – precisely the challenge that marketers face daily and one which the folks at M&C Saatchi will be relishing as they try to help the Prime Minister avoid embarrassment,” says Rupert Staines, @RadiumOne RadiumOne’s European Managing Director. “The business mind rightly worries about the unknown outcome whereas the consumer mind is excited about the sensationalist position of victory vs defeat. It’s a tough decision in tough times but sure to make Cannes Lions Festival a little spicier for the global marketing community with the vote on the Thursday.”
See below for a further selection of opinion/comment on marketer concerns about the overall impact on trade, cultural isolation and political and economic stability:
“A vote to leave the EU would be a retrograde step. It would send an inward looking signal about the UK’s future in the world.”
“Economic stability. We will be outside the trading block having to pay to access it, thankfully retain freedom of movement but not have a say in the future direction.”
“The impact on the economy is probably most important, but I am concerned about cultural isolation and the potentially destabilising impact of a potential Brexit on the rest of the EU.”
“The political stability of Europe – the EU has helped to keep the peace on mainland Europe for longer than ever before.”
“Undoubtedly leaving the EU would create short and possibly long term impacts on our ability to export, partner with other countries and learn form a larger group.”
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