

Do you want to get in front of the eyeballs of your customers and get a ‘great results’ reaction? / Will Corry

He has just heard about theMarketingblog and how it can generate results! And he’s impressed

Do you want to get in front of the eyeballs of your customers and get a ‘great results’ reaction? / Will Corry Read More »

New speakers have been added to the Facebook Marketing Conference (18th July) line-up

Just in : Following on from our Speaker and Programme announcement last week, we’re very excited to announce new speakers have been added to the Facebook Marketing Conference (18th July) line-up, including Vincent Sider from BBC Worldwide, Dom Dwight from

New speakers have been added to the Facebook Marketing Conference (18th July) line-up Read More »

Is your social media marketing producing results for the rest of 2012?

Lead Roundup : Keeping the pipeline filled with quality leads is the number one responsibility of every B2B marketer Success : Have you got your social marketing working, producing results the way you want for the second half of 2012? We

Is your social media marketing producing results for the rest of 2012? Read More »

Does it end up with your prospect making no decision at all? : 4 steps to avoid the wasteful ‘no decision’

Over the past six years, forecast deals are closing at a lower and lower rate, and a dramatically higher percentage are ending up with the prospect making no decision at all. In the technology industry, for example, “no decisions” have

Does it end up with your prospect making no decision at all? : 4 steps to avoid the wasteful ‘no decision’ Read More »